Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Core Language Group...the mystery box

Don't you love my interactive core board?!  I love it and so do my students! The power of communicating with these 60 words is incredible.

Within my 30 minute group, I utilize a variety of materials to keep my students engaged but try to stay within the same structured format using a mini schedule.  I use songs, quick repetitive books, some type of practice on the smart board, a fun YouTube video, and then the students favorite part...the mystery box.

My students LOVE to see what is in the mystery box at the end of each group. One of my students jumped up last week, ran to the core board, and pulled off "open".  I seriously teared up and may have raised the roof, lol!  But seriously, I just love when my students make these connections and recognize the power of communication.   

So "what is it"...  the mystery item varies depending on the core word of the week but so far it has included: balloon rockets, car tracks, gears, windups, my iPad, etc.  Today the mystery box item was "Pie Face". Yes, you heard me right, I let the kids splash whip cream on my face.  The language, the engagement, the joy made it worth it.  I told them, "I don't like" and "I don't want" but really in my heart I was saying "I love".  Crocodile dentist was the plan for tomorrow's mystery item but I believe Pie Face will return again tomorrow. 

Pictures to follow tomorrow... 

How do you build excitement and engagement during your language groups??  What would you put in the mystery box?

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